Why I Love LSD!

I have a confession to make. I have not followed my running coach’s workout schedule with total and complete integrity. There is one day of the week that I often betray Coach Ives’ wise guidance. It’s a day where I add at least one or two miles to what he’s scheduled for me to run - typically nudging the total miles into double digits.
The reason I do so is because of my love for LSD.
Do note that I’m seeking neither help nor absolution. I simply enjoy LSD far too much to fathom not doing it on Saturday mornings.
Just to reassure everyone, the “LSD” I’m referencing is “long slow distance.” I’ve no idea when I first heard the term, but it’s one that goes back to my college days in the early 80’s - times when racing soles were super thin and running sweats super heavy.
LSD is just what it says. Going out for a run of a longer distance than normal at a slow and relaxed pace. Back in the day, that meant a few of us putting in somewhere between 8-12 miles on a weekend morning where we’d treat ourselves afterwards to quality time at Dunkjn' Donuts. (Oh, to be young enough to get away with such a sinful indulgence!)
A key reason I enjoyed those runs was the camaraderie with my friends, as we never let our respective paces go fast enough that we couldn’t enjoy conversation. Looking back, I also marvel at how long it took all of us to actually get out the door, with all our stretching, last minute clothing changes and final restroom stops.

Decades later, for the following reasons, I enjoy LSD even more.
It Feels Good to be Able to Run Over 8 Miles. I know. I know. To those of you who train for marathons and ultra's, running eight miles scarcely qualifies as a warmup. But less than ten years ago, the idea of running four miles seemed an insurmountable challenge. I still recall the anxiety churning in my stomach prior to my first Sycamore 7 where I'd have to race seven miles with no idea how long it would take or if I'd even finish the course. As a result, it's gratifying that I can now consider eight miles the low end of my LSD.
Savor the Solitude. Typically, my "LSD trips" equate to over 90 minutes all to myself with my sole companion being a carefully constructed playlist. Be it 70’s, 80’s, 90’s or more recent, the music is intended to provide an engaging soundscape as I journey along quiet streets where traffic is still very light at worst. Although my thoughts drift over a delightfully random array of topics, I make certain to express at least once my thanks that I am able to enjoy that particular run.
Great Way to Start a Weekend. I tend to leave early for my Saturday morning run - often before 5 am. Part of my rationale for doing so is that my LSD doesn't impact the rest of the day, allowing me ample time for my “Saturday Chores” as well as enjoying time with my wife, friends and family. (It also goes without saying that if I slow down for more than 10 minutes, I'm out like a light!)
Preparation for Longer Races. These runs also help with the mental as well as physical aspect of running longer distances. In other words, thanks to a few "LSD trips," a half marathon race isn't nearly as daunting.

Embrace the Seasons. In the summer, I plan my LSD courses to end with me running into what’s often a beautiful early morning sunrise, anointing the start of what I hope will be a wonderful day. For the winter, my efforts are focused on finding the best means to deal with snow, cold winds and ice. I often "scout" the bicycle paths the day before, seeing which have the most snow cleared from them, or which are most sheltered from harsh winds pushing temps below zero. Spring and fall months herald the inevitable transition into both the summer and winter - with the former offering the occasional teaser of warmer temps while the latter does what it can to deny the cold before ultimately surrendering to the inevitable Winter.
Quiet Time Afterwards. Once home from LSD, I commence on a splendid routine that soon has me nestled into my recliner, with a carafe of hot coffee beside me and my iPad as well as miniature dachshund, Daphne, both on my lap. From there, savoring every moment of "me" time, I'm posting the run on my various social media sites, working through the New York Times mini-crossword and delving into whatever tweaks my attention on my iPad, secure in the knowledge that I’m not doing anything more strenuous than pouring another cup of coffee for the next hour. (Let me add that before my tired legs find that recliner and using ninja-like stealth, I always place a cup of coffee on the nightstand beside my lovely and slumbering wife, allowing her to use the time as an opportunity to sleep in.)
Given all of that, how can I not be hooked on LSD? And at the risk of sounding like something of a "pusher," what about you? Anyone else into LSD? Feel free to share your thoughts below or on Facebook. And happy running!
