Are You A Runner?

We interrupt this blog for a Pop Quiz. It consists of 15 questions carefully developed during my recent Boston vacation (while savoring an absolutely delicious clam chowder with a refreshing local lager.)
Are You a Runner?
1. Before you go out for a run, you…
a. Just take off. No silly warmup stretches. No notion of distance or destination. Just running.
b. Painstakingly prepare with carefully executed stretches before launching onto a route, knowing beforehand the exact distance, temperatures and wind direction.
2. When you see another runner approach you on your route, you…
a. Might offer a slight nod, if you acknowledge them at all. Who really cares?
b. Offer a friendly wave as you also judiciously analyze their stride and cadence, either critiquing what they’re doing wrong or seeking to incorporate what they’re doing correctly into your run.
3. Once the run is completed, you…
a. Commence a series of cool-down exercises and/or stretches to meticulous detail before stepping a foot indoors.
b. Go inside to enjoy a refreshing beverage and get on with your day.
4. Within 15 minutes of your run, you…
a. Prepare a social media post of your workout, including duration, pace, calories burned as well as a selfie with a cleverly worded summary illuminating the glamour of running a few miles in your neighborhood.
b. Are busy doing something completely unrelated.
5. The shoes you use for your run are…
a. Just something you picked up on sale a couple years back.
b. One of at least three pairs you own and are from a brand that you support with an undying loyalty nearly as fierce as what you display for your loved ones.

6. On race day, your primary concern before leaving is…
a. Finding a good place to park.
b. Doing everything humanly possible to have a bowel movement so that the unthinkable does not occur!
7. Prior to race day, you…
a. Spare no detail preparing for the race, checking the weather, reviewing the course, pondering the perfect attire to wear and so on.
b. Remind yourself that you do have a race the next day.
8. When it come as to missing a day of running due to some unforeseen event, you…
a. Shrug it off as nothing.
b. Feel as if your entire day is now ruined as you determinedly contemplate when you can make up that run.
9. Should there be a reoccurring soreness that could be a potential injury, you…
a. Decide that it's a good excuse to take three weeks off from running.
b. Obsess over every aspect of it, intensely researching it, asking other runners before booking a PT appointment at a facility where they already know you by name.
10. When you go on vacation, your first thought is…
a. How can you maintain your running schedule or possibly squeeze in a race at wherever you're going.
b. This will be a nice break from running.
11. Your meal the night before a race is...
a. Whatever you can find in the kitchen.
b. The result of an exhaustive study to determine what will provide the perfect fuel for the next day.

12. If a poorly marked course causes you to run further in a race, you…
a. Shrug it off.
b. Demand harsh judgement upon the race director and possibly that of his or her family as well.
a. An essential and tasty means of providing protein following a run.
b. A reward for the hall monitors when they do a really good job.
14. Running clothes take up…
a. A small corner in one drawer of your dresser.
b. Over a third of your closet space.
15. When you check the forecast…
1 b, 2 b, 3 a, 4 a, 5 b, 6 b, 7 a, 8 b, 9 b, 10 a, 11 b, 12 b, 13 a, 14 b, 15 a
14-15 Correct: We must have been separated at birth!
12-13 Correct: You are definitely a runner!
9-11 Correct: You’re on the right track!
6-8 Correct: Let’s dial back that cross training.
4-5 Correct: Is your job or family really that important?
Under 4 Correct: Go back to Pickleball!
I hope everyone enjoyed a bit of silliness for this post. It was a fun way to spend some down time during my sojourn in Boston. I'm also certain that I've overlooked a number of potential questions. But that's your job. Let me know what I left off in the comments below or on Facebook.

I guess I should go back to Pickleball. But first, I have to figure out what this "Pickleball" actually is. That said, obsessions are good. Keep it up!